Twillion Solutions

Our Services

From Banner Designing and Mobile Applications Development to Content Writing and Ecommerce websites, we are ready to offer you a million solutions for all your online needs; custom websites, static websites, open source and Facebook applications are in the menu too. Leave your business in our hands and our talented team will do its magic!



Let's admit it; we are visual creatures navigating through an endless ocean of possibilities and websites, looking for those that besides solving our problems, are particularly attractive. Our talented Web Designers are able to provide you with the best ideas and skills to make the most of your site.



We use internet every day, for such a wide range of activities and from a lot of devices, but we can't even suspect the amount of technology, coding and programming behind our favorite sites, huh?? Well, our team knows well the tricks!

Mobile App Development

Mobile applications

And since technology jumped out from the desktops to our pockets, we got ready to offer you the best solutions regarding iPhone, Android and Blackberry applications development. Are you crazy about "going green"? Musical venues in your city? Want to recreate that childhood game that Grandpa taught you? Tell us about your crazy dreams, ideas or business needs and we'll work on them to turn them into the best Apps ever ready to use from that little device that goes with you everywhere!

API Development


In many websites like Twitter, Facebook and YouTube have APIs that are designed to let you take content from those sites and put it on your site, or take content from elsewhere and publish it through that platform.

APIs also allow us to integrate payment gateways in our website like Paypal,

Online Marketing


A well done website, customized with an eye-catching design and a Mobile App related to your business would definitely put you on the cybermap... as a small island on a remote ocean! In order to stand out in this exciting yet intricate online world, you will have to wage battles in the vast lands of the Social Media Networks, fighting with your best content and Ecommerce weapons to finally win -at least for a little while- the Saint Grail, which in this world means a good ranking position in the Search Engines. Tricky!.. But still a game we want to play. Ecommerce, Search Engine Optimization -SEO- and Social Media Management are definitely in our portfolio.

Content Writing and Translation


All this efforts and new technology would be worthless without one of the most ancient practices of the Human Race: words. You can love the images, the idea, the concept, the navigation flow... But if those little scripts and its combinations are non-existent, insufficient or BOOORIIIING to tears, the journey could end even before starting! We create engaging, wise, witty and relevant content for your sites, basing on your needs, goals and SEO Strategy... But that's not all! Besides charming your clients in English, we can also do it in Spanish and Portuguese; accuracy guaranteed! Y tú, ¿Qué estás esperando para traducir tus páginas? Contáctanos ya mismo